Sadly it’s all over for
Southern as we handed the baton over to West and Wales on Saturday at
Day 11 Friday 30th
Friday started off with a one mile bike ride from SCCI to
the ski slope where the fun began!
It was time to do a donut session on the ski slopes, they
had to do 70 runs equal to 4 miles, even Kiera and Kieran joined in with
the fun. Looks like great fun!
From there it was on over to Joe
Riches and Rick Barot to do a 3 mile bike ride to Turnpike house. Where at
turnpike house the ladies were cleaning the cars and Julian was in charge of
the breakfast BBQ all to raise money for the 2020 Challenge.
The walkers handing over to the baton to do a 22 mile bike ride to Old Sarum.
Lead by Matt Dubber, Dave Burt
and Duncan. This wrapped up Friday events ready for the family day on Saturday!
Day 12 Saturday 1st
The final leg was a family walk from Old Sarum to Stonehenge
16 people set off from the Ramparts of the Ancient Capital
of England Old Sarum at 9:30 heading for the picturesque Woodford valley
reaching the Black Horse at 11:00 for refreshments.
After a 5 minute warning we set of down the road and found
our crossing over the river Avon, then a shout when up “stop”, we were only 15,
Jonathan had left his wife behind at the pub!! Was this planned Jonathan?!
When we were 16 again we continued on and were able to look
down on Sting’s manor house in Lake.
As we rose up from Spring Bottom the down land opened up
before us with tumuli all around us, on reaching the ridge we could see the
stones in front of us.
After crossing the A303 we waited for the Western and Wales
team to join us for the official handover of the baton MD to MD.
With increased numbers now others had joined us we were up to 43 and set off to the visitors centre car park where a sumptuous picnic awaited with the views of Stonehenge.
Well done to everyone who took part for Southern and
good luck to West and Wales on their journey!
Kier have hit our target of raising over
£250,000 over the whole 2020 challenge
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